art gallery 1 Million bombs show

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Posters and paintings exhibited at SPAN GALLERIES in Melbourne, The 2007 Castlemaine State Festival and La Trobe University Gallery, View Street Bendigo 2007.
This work was published, in an expanded form, in the book 'One Million Human Beings. One Million Bombs. Visualising Human Tragedy'. Published 2008

above: Installation at La Trobe University Gallery, View Street Bendigo. 140 books were printed, representing the total number killed
in the 20th century during war, and then arrayed on the gallery floor resembling the rows of silent headstones in war cemeteries.
Each book contained 1 million stick figures. Each book was then shot, using a variety of weapons, representing 140 million deaths.
above: One Million Human Beings.
One Million Bombs [book cover shot with 12-guage shotgun]
above: Poster above: Poster WW1 above: The Soldier [Rupert Brooke]
above: The Death of a Republican Soldier [Robert Capa 1936] above: Guernica [Picasso 1936] above: D Day 6 June 1944
[Robert Capa 1944]
above: Every person has a name [Poster]
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